What do we offer?

Waning Moon Wellness addresses the true cause of “dis-ease” by assessing environmental toxicity, genetic susceptibilities, nutrition, biophysical stressors, lifestyle, and the Five Levels of Healing developed by Dr. Klinghardt. We analyze and treat all the layers of the body, not just the parts and work to eliminate the cause the symptoms not just suppress the symptoms. This allows your whole body to heal, not just parts of it.

The Five Levels of Healing:

  1. The physical body encompasses nutrition, herbs, minerals, supplements, exercise and movement.

  2. The energy body includes the autonomic nervous system, motor and sensory nervous system, and the electric brain.

  3. The mental body is the information and storage of events, experiences and belief systems.

  4. The intuitive body is our connection to everything and its influence on our wellbeing.

  5. The spiritual body is the individuals own experience with the divine and the bidirectional flow of love and guidance.

    Patients are supported on their own individualized path to healing, and can experience relief from health challenges including impaired detoxification, illness, fatigue, digestive issues, food allergies, sleep disturbances, and other physical and emotional imbalances.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.